Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a store credit only. Buyer is in charge of return shipping costs. Returns can be mailed to: 

Rosebuds - Return Dept 

503 E Nifong Blvd, Ste A 1

Columbia, MO 65201

Please note, if for any reason your return is rejected (signs of wear - including smell, missing tags, damaged boxes, etc), we will contact you immediately via e-mail on how we can get the product back to you (at your return cost). 

If your return is valid, it will be processed within 3-5 days of receipt back at Rosebuds. 


We can ship to virtually any address in the United States. Shipping is $6 flat rate or FREE if you spend over $75. Shipping will be processed as soon as possible, typically within 2-3 business days on non-personalized items. If for some reason you need a rush shipping option, please call the store and we can take payment for expedited shipping and processing. 

We will ship all items USPS.